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    Hire Right: The #1 Challenge That Solves 99 Others

    Date: October 20, 2022, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
    Debbie Gray - SHRM-CP
    Virtual Meeting
    $10 Registration Fee / $20 Non Member Fee
    Event Type:
    General Meeting
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    “Hire Right:  The #1 Challenge That Solves 99 Others”

    No matter how great of a product, idea, or service a business creates, it’s future is only as bright as its ability to hire the right talent. Discover all the intricate nuances that go into building a successful hiring process. From how to find and attract good talent to understanding the critical steps of the interview process that will not only get the best talent in the door but also set them up for long term success. Hiring the right talent is the first, most important challenge to solve to grow a healthy business.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Understand the fundamental principles behind an effective hiring process.

    • Gather methods for attracting ideal candidates for your team.

    • Create a process for onboarding team members to maximize their experience and

    ability to contribute.

    Russel Dupree ​

    My name is Russel Dubree, I’m a business coach. I’m insanely passionate about helping

    Business owners scale their business in a way that brings profit, purpose, and meaning in their lives. I live and breathe the study of what it takes to run an effective business.

    I’ve been a USAF officer, air traffic controller, airfield manager, bank supervisor, bank teller, call center agent, lifeguard, factory worker, lawn mower, paperboy, gas station attendant, painter, cemetery maintenance worker, furniture mover, comedy club bouncer, entrepreneur, CEO, COO, CFO, project manager, account manager, office manager, bookkeeper, HR administrator, content writer, data analyst, recruiter, benefits specialist, sales lead, marketing coordinator…and many more. Most of those roles were under the umbrella of the business I founded with nothing to an eventual sale with an 8-figure valuation.




    *** 1.0 recert credit with SHRM and HRCI***